Recipe for Banana Walnut Cake #DeliciousCakes #TeaCakes #GoodFood #YummyCakes

Don't you just crave cakes and baked goods in winter time? Here's a recipe of a delish Banana Walnut Cake you may like to try.


1 and half Ripe Bananas

1 Cup Refined Flour (Maida)

2 Eggs

80 gms Unsalted Butter

3/4 Cup Castor Sugar or very fine White Sugar

3 Tablespoons Honey

1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Essence

2 Teaspoons Baking Powder

Half Cup Walnuts (Broken)

Oil or Butter for greasing Baking Tray


Mix the melted butter and sugar in a bowl. Mash one banana along with it. Beat till consistency is smooth.

Add eggs, one at a time, all the while beating the mixture.

Add flour, little at a time, and gradually fold into the mixture. Keep beating the mix.

Add vanilla essence, baking powder, honey and beat to a smooth batter.

Add half the walnuts to the batter and mix.

Grease the baking tin with melted butter or oil. Pour the cake mixture/batter in the baking tin. 

Add the remaining walnuts and half banana sliced in fine pieces over the mixture.

Pre-heat the oven at 180 degree Celsius for 5 minutes.

Place the baking tin on the tray in the oven centre, and let it bake for 25-30 minutes.

After the time is over, let it rest in the oven for 5 minutes.

Test by piercing the centre of the cake with a knife. If it comes out smooth, your cake is done!

Bon Apetit!
